Law School Centennial

Share Your Memories

Please, take a moment to and share your memories as either an alumnus, student, faculty or staff member, or friend of the law school. We want to know about the good times, the struggles, the people and places, and the experiences that made the law school a part of your own history.

All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.

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Please enter your name.
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What is your relationship to the Law School?
text field
If you selected "other", please describe your relationship to the law school here:
text field
If you are an alumnus, please enter the year you graduated.
required textarea field
Please share your memory here.
checkbox field
Your photo memory
Will you be sharing a photo? If so, please email it to Include a caption, the year the photo was taken, names of people in the photo (if applicable), and the name of the photographer, if known.
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Please provide your email address or phone number.