October 09, 2010

How to Write Your First Post

Welcome to the Board of Visitors blog. This is where we’ll give you up-to-date accounts of what goes on behind the scenes in our committee.

Blogging in LiveWhale is simple but you do need an account before you post your first entry. If you’re a designated blogger for your committee, you should already have an account. To find out, log in to LiveWhale using your @lclark.edu username and password. If you aren’t successful, it could be you are not added to the system. Contact your SBA rep to gain access.

How to enter your first blog entry for your committee using the following easy steps.

  1. Login to LiveWhale.
  2. Click on the News tab if it’s not already selected.
  3. To create your first post, click on the blue ‘Add a new story’ button
  4. Write your headline, add a summary and write your post in the Story body.
  5. In the Tags field, type in “send-to-blog” and the name of your committee. For example, “send-to-blog” and “SALDF”
  6. In the upper-right corner in the pull-down next to “This story is”, choose “From Reporters”(if you’re not a reporter, you have more choices)
  7. Fill in the story date (default is today)
  8. To add a thumbnail of your mug to appear next to your post, add your image from your desktop (“Add images from your computer”) or find a photo of yourself in the image library (“Select from your image library” button)
  9. Add related web addresses, news stories (shared stories on LiveWhale only), a posted event, gallery or file.
  10. Add your contact info (optional)
  11. Save your entry.

What happens next depends upon whether you’re a reporter or not. If you are, then an editor within SBA will review your post and will either push it live immediately or send it back to you for corrections.