Constitution and Bi-Laws



Northwestern School of LAW

Lewis & Clark College


ARTICLE I- Name, Purpose, and Membership


Section 101- The name of the organization shall be Lewis & Clark Law Students for Sensible Drug Policy, hereinafter referred to as L&C Law SSDP.

Section 102- It shall be the purpose of
L&C Law SSDP to:


  1. To strive to develop a society where drug addiction is seen as a public health issue rather than a criminal justice issue. Ultimately, to end the war on drugs through adherence to a principle of harm reduction.

  2. Our goals shall include, but are not limited to, improving the Lewis & Clark Law School community’s knowledge of drug policy and law, to foster critical and even-handed debate about drug policy reform, to educate students and members of the community of recent developments in drug policy law, present statistics concerning the war on drugs and criminal justice issues,foster the career development of law students interested in careers in drug policy, to increase awareness of the way various other areas of the law interact with drug policy, to perform activities in the community that promote harm reduction and help end the current war on drugs, facilitate interaction and networking between students and educators, politicians, lawyers, administrators, judges, medical experts, business owners, law enforcement, and lawyers that are working in the field of drug policy reform, to make Lewis & Clark Law School a flagship chapter of SSDP through continued excellence, professionalism, dedication, organizational cohesion, and unity of purpose.

  3. These objectives shall be met solely through school sponsored and approved channels, such as bringing speakers to campus, administering educational events and panels, writing letters and petitions to legislators and administrators for reform at the local and national levels, offering testimony at official hearings at the local and national level, promoting the attendance of members of L&C Law SSDP at drug policy conferences, such as SSDP’s National Congress and the Drug Policy Alliance’s Bi-Annual Conference, fosteringinvolvement and networking opportunities among our members and other school groups such as NLG, the ACLU, Federalist Society, ACS, Etc.

  4. Promote pro bono work and advocacy opportunities for students in the field of Drug Policy Reform.

  5. Foster respect for the law, our legal system, our service as harm reduction advocates, our school, the reputation of L&C SSDP as a legitimate and effective student group, and the reputation of the Northwestern School of Law in general.

Section 103- All students who are enrolled in a degree granting program of The Lewis & Clark Law School and who have paid school fees, tuition, and participate in L&C Law SSDP meetings and events, who subjectively consider themselves to be members ofL&C Law SSDP, and determine that they are comfortable being associated as a member by themselves and others as such, shall be considered full members of L&C Law SSDP.

ARTICLE II- The L&C Law SSDP Executive Board




Section 201- All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in an assembly of theL&C Law SSDP, herein referred to as the “Executive Board” or “The Board”


Section 202- The Board shall be comprised of the President, Vice President Internal Relations, Vice President External Relations, Executive Treasurer, Executive Secretary, Vice President for Events, and a 1L representative selected by The Board.


Section 203- The Board shall be elected by all L&C Law SSDP members present at a publicized meeting near the end of the Spring semester. Votes shall be tallied in a confidentialmanner, and the results shall be announced at the same meeting as soon as possible from whence they are cast. The 1L Representatives shall be appointed by the Executive Board during the fall semester of any given year.


Section 204- All members of L&C Law SSDP not foreseeing imminent graduation will be eligible for all exec level positions.

Section 205- The Executive Board shall meet at least once within the first month of each semester in order to plan events for the upcoming semester.

Section 206- An interim Executive Board will be set up by the founding members of L&C Law SSDP, and will operate until Spring semester elections can be held.

Position Responsibilities

Section 207- President

  1. The President shall establish a working agenda of activities, with input and advising fromthe L&C Law SSDP Executive Board, for the calendar year term in which he/she was elected.

  2. The President shall oversee all L&C Law SSDP activities and ensure that Executive Board members carry out their responsibilities in an efficient manner to achieve theworking agenda.

  3. The President shall be the chief student officer and official spokesperson for L&C Law SSDPin addressing other organizations. He/she shall have the power to enter intoagreements with other professional and student organizations, subject to this Constitution and GWU policy.

  4. The President shall reserve the right to modify the working agenda if he/she determines that a particular activity would be impracticable or otherwise runagainst the interests of L&C Law SSDP.

  5. The President, along with the VP External, is responsible for representing L&C Law SSDP before the Dean of Students Office of the Law School and the University, as well as the faculty advisors, and shall be the chief spokesman to media and the public, along with the VP External.

  6. The President shall be responsible for making the administration of the Law School and the University aware of L&C Law SSDP issues, needs, and desires.


Section 208- Executive Vice-President of Internal Relations

  1. The VP Internal shall have all duties delegated under this constitution to the president in the President’s absence.

  2. The VP Internal shall advise the President in all matters concerning L&C Law SSDP administration and activities.

  3. The VP Internal shall become President if the President resigns for any reason, and shall fulfill the President’s term of office.

  4. The VP Internal shall assist the L&C Law SSDP Presidentand the Executive Board in their activities subject to this Constitution.

Section 209-Executive Vice-President of External Relations

  1. The VP External shall have charge of activities pertaining to networking, such as holding career panels and information sessions, among others.

  2. The VP External shall also have charge of activities pertaining to social events within and outside of the L&C Law community.

  3. The VP External shall have charge of planning and executing activities pertaining to the promotion of L&C Law SSDP and improving the reputation of the club.

  4. The VP External shall assist the L&C Law SSDP President and the Executive Board in their activities subject to this Constitution.

Section 210- Executive Treasurer

  1. The Executive Treasurer shall be responsible for submitting the yearly budget request for SBA funding.

  2. The Executive Treasurer shall keep a clear and accurate record of L&C Law SSDP funds.

  3. The Executive Treasurer will guarantee that money received from school is utilized solely for and in compliance with legitimate, administratively approved and regulated channels.

  4. The Executive Treasurer shall brief and advise Executive Board members, on L&C Law SSDP account standing, during general and Executive Board meetings.

Section 211- Executive Secretary

  1. The Executive Secretary shall manage the internal communications within L&C Law SSDP, promote the views of the group, and disseminate information speedily between officers, members, and the greater L&C Law community.

  2. The Executive Secretary shall keep a record of the minutes of meetings, and keep a record of events and issues that are discussed during general and Executive Board meetings.

3. The Executive Secretary shall be in charge of scheduling for general, and Executive Board meetings.

Section 212- First Year (1L) Representatives

  1. The First Year (1L) Representatives shall be responsible for L&C Law SSDP outreach to First Year Law Students.

  2. The First Year (1L) Representatives shall report to the L&C Law SSDP Executive Board the dates of major assignments, such as memo due dates, and other dates not herein mentioned but which may be of concern to First Year students.

  3. The First Year (1L) Representatives shall report First Year student concerns to the L&C Law SSDP Executive Board.


Section 213- Vice President for Events

  1. Vice Presidents for Events shall be responsible for aiding in the design, planning, and carrying-out of L&C Law SSDP events. This may include contacting speakers, procuring food for events, and designing flyers, among other tasks as needed.

  2. Vice Presidents for Events shall assist the L&C Law SSDP President and the Executive Board in their activities subject to this Constitution.


Section 214- Other ad hoc Offices and Committees

  1. Other L&C Law SSDP ad hoc Offices and Committees may be created by majority vote of the L&C Law SSDP Executive Board members, but new Executive Board positions cannot be created by vote of L&C Law SSDP members.

  2. Directorships and working groups, temporary and permanent, may be created by the Executive Board of L&C Law SSDP.

  3. The webmaster position has henceforth been established as an exec-board level position.

ARTICLE III- Vacancies and Removal from Office

Section 301- All vacancies, except for the vacancy of the Office of President, in the Executive Board shall be filled by a general election at the next publicized meeting. After a vacancy opens and before an election can take place at the next regular open meeting of L&C Law SSDP, the other members of the Executive Board are to shareequitably in the duties of the empty position. However, if the vacancy is in the office of the President, the Vice-President shall be the acting President for the remainder of the President’s term.

Section 302-Impeachment-Should any member of the Executive Board fail to attend to their duties in the eyes of the other Executive Board members, the other Executive Board members may remove that individual from office. A vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the entire voting membership of the Executive Board is required to remove a member of the Executive Board from office. Disciplinary measures of thisnature may be initiated by any member of the Executive Board who files charges at a general meeting of the Executive Board.


ARTICLE IV- Amendments

Section 401- Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed by ANY L&C Law SSDP member. That person may then present their case and have it pleaded for them by an Executive Board member atthe next Executive Board meeting. Notice shall be given of any proposed amendment one (1)month prior to the next regular publicized meeting of the Executive Board. A majority vote of theentire voting membership of the Executive Board shall place an amendment to a vote of the L&C Law SSDPmembership.

Section 402- An amendment shall be ratified by an affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the L&C Law SSDP members voting. Said election shall be conducted at the next general meeting of L&C Law SSDP after the amendment is ratified by the Executive Board.

ARTICLE V - Jurisdiction and Parliamentary Authority

Section 501- Final interpretation of this document and all other governing documents shall be made by a majority vote of the entire membership of the Executive Board.

ARTICLE VI- Supremacy of the Constitution

Section 601- Upon adoption, the Constitution shall supersede and govern all constitutions, documents, and related governing instruments of L&C Law SSDP.


Bradley Steinman, President of L&C Law SSDP

September 5, 2011



Ratified on October 3, 2011