Kate Brown ’85

Governor, State of Oregon

This is an unprecedented year. As our state moves through a pandemic and a historic wildfire season, and as Oregonians raise their voices in a clarion call for racial justice, I am committed to crafting policies that build a safer, stronger, and more resilient Oregon—for everyone.

This year, I convened a Racial Justice Council to make real change in the rooms where budgets and policies are created. Together, we can dismantle the institution of racism the way it was built: brick by brick.

Oregon has long been a national leader in voting access. I am grateful that in a global pandemic, Oregonians will not have to risk their lives to safely cast their ballots.

We must also take climate action—and soon. Climate change has had devastating impacts. I continue to strive to create climate policies that protect our environment and grow our economy at the same time.

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