Priscilla Rader Culp ’16

Education Program Manager, Animal Legal Defense Fund

As an animal law attorney and educator, I am propelled in my work by a vision of a more just, equitable world for all living beings—one that ends exploitation of the individual. Through legal advocacy, my goal is to advance the emerging field of animal law while also considering the ways in which all oppression is linked. Now more than ever, attorneys have a unique set of tools that they can—and should—use at every opportunity to amplify voices that often go unheard, recognizing that there are many ways to use a law degree. While I do not practice law, I use my legal education every single day as I work with law students, instructors, and advocates to educate, inform, and inspire.

;(function($) { var initAdvocateBreadcrumbs = function() { var tags = $('span.lw_item_tag > a'), current_issue = '', i = 0; if (tags.length && tags.length > 0) { while (i < tags.length && current_issue === '') { var matches = tags[i].innerHTML.match(/^(Spring|Summer|Fall|Winter)-(\d{4})$/); if (matches !== null && current_issue === '') { current_issue = matches[1] + ' ' + matches[2]; } i++; } if ( matches !== null ) { var issueLink = '' + current_issue + ' Issue'; document.getElementById("this_advocate_issue").innerHTML = issueLink; } } }; // Run on document ready initAdvocateBreadcrumbs(); })(livewhale.jQuery);