Tyler Lobdell ’17

Staff Attorney, Food & Water Watch

The vision that drives my work is of a future where exploitive, profit-driven economics and policies are replaced by a culture of compassion and regeneration that recognizes the intercon- nection among all life on planet Earth. The mentality that as a society we can endlessly abuse and degrade the environment and our fellow earthlings must, and will, end. The factory farm system is the quintessential example of this failed and dangerous mindset, and my work is focused on holding these polluters accountable and fostering a transition away from factory farms. The corporate stranglehold over nearly all animal agriculture in the U.S. is determined to maximize their profits and externalize the myriad harms their production practices cause, and we must say enough is enough. For the sake of the environment, animals, and our own wellbeing and community health, I work to empower those on the front lines fighting for a livable future.

;(function($) { var initAdvocateBreadcrumbs = function() { var tags = $('span.lw_item_tag > a'), current_issue = '', i = 0; if (tags.length && tags.length > 0) { while (i < tags.length && current_issue === '') { var matches = tags[i].innerHTML.match(/^(Spring|Summer|Fall|Winter)-(\d{4})$/); if (matches !== null && current_issue === '') { current_issue = matches[1] + ' ' + matches[2]; } i++; } if ( matches !== null ) { var issueLink = '' + current_issue + ' Issue'; document.getElementById("this_advocate_issue").innerHTML = issueLink; } } }; // Run on document ready initAdvocateBreadcrumbs(); })(livewhale.jQuery);