1L Funding Requst

SBA provides space for 1L support and community-building by facilitating pod and inter-pod events through funding. Although the L&C pod system has plenty of advantages, it does end up separating students that might otherwise build meaningful connections. Thus, multi-pod events help close the divide between pods. Note that it is also part of the SBA 1L Pod Representatives’ duties, as outlined in the bylaws, to hold multi-pod events.

As of 2023, 1L Pod Representatives will have access to up to $250/semester to fund their respective pod’s events. In order to be approved for this funding, please complete the following form to assure our school’s resources will be put to valuable use.

Please keep the following in mind when completing the form:

1. 1L events should promote inclusivity, support, and community-building.

2. 1L events should foster inspiring connections between students and their community.

3. Multi-pod events should be prioritized to promote more personal connections.

4. Events must be safe and promote overall student social and mental well-being.

5. Students must be given ample notice of the events in order to encourage the largest amount of participation possible.

6. SBA events must be open to all L&C students, including upper-division students. Keep this in mind while planning and marketing.

All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.

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required e-mail address field
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Include date, location, time, hosting pod, and estimated number of attendees.
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Exact amount are not necessary, use your best estimates.
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Up to 10 sentences.
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