September 08, 2011

Migratory Bird Conference Fosters Robust Discussion

On October 20-22, 2011 the Environmental and Natural Resources Law Program at Lewis & Clark Law School hosted its annual Environmental Law Conference. The topic this year was The Migratory Bird Treaty Act: Reshaping a Powerful Conservation Tool? 

On October 20-22, the Environmental and Natural Resources Law Program at Lewis & Clark Law School hosted its annual Environmental Law Conference. The topic this year was The Migratory Bird Treaty Act: Reshaping a Powerful Conservation Tool? The attendees enjoyed high quality presentations and participated in lively interactive discussions on a range of issues.

National and international experts from government, industry, and environmental organizations convened at the law school to discuss the MBTA and explore how to make it more effective. On Thursday, interested participants had a rare opportunity to visit the Oregon’s Zoo’s California Condor captive rearing facility. That afternoon, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s national California Condor Recovery Coordinator  discussed ongoing efforts to recover one of the world’s rarest birds, as well as the dangers condors still face due to toxic pollution in their environment.  The Friday and Saturday sessions focused in on the MBTA, how it works, and how it might be improved.  Saturday’s presentations included an examination of bird conservation efforts by the United States’ treaty partners – Canada, Mexico, Great Britain, and Japan – as well  as a roundtable discussion by all participants toward shaping the future of the MBTA and migratory bird protection.


Podcasts of the presentations are available at