April 04, 2012

April Marks Sexual Assault Awareness Month

With Sexual Awareness Month upon us, we at NCVLI take a moment to think back on the past year –  both in terms of the strides that have been made and the setbacks that have been incurred in advancing the rights of victims of sexual violence. 

With Sexual Awareness Month upon us, we at NCVLI take a moment to think back on the past year –  both in terms of the strides that have been made and the setbacks that have been incurred in advancing the rights of victims of sexual violence. 

Over the past year, NCVLI was privileged to work on 5 amicus curiae briefs related to sexual assault, as well as 25 technical assistance requests.  We successfully participated as amicus curiae in a case that upheld a victim of sexual assault’s absolute right to keep counseling records private in Illinois.  We also successfully participated as amicus curiae in a case upholding  a stalking victim’s stalking protective order against First Amendment challenge in Oregon.  We have trained hundreds of people on topics relevant to sexual assault, including securing trial accommodations for child and adult victims, and the importance of providing holistic services to victims of sexual violence.  However, we have seen setbacks as well, particularly in the field of rape shield. 

Our commitment to serving the violence against women community remains strong.  We urge you to contact us if you need technical assistance or if you would like to request a training. To learn more about our Violence Against Women Project, click here.