Nathan Ren ‘15
Born: Seattle, USA
Major: International Affairs
Has Lived In: Shanghai/Beijing, China
I was born in Seattle, and at the fresh age of two months moved back to Shanghai, where I have spent my entire life in, with the exception of a year in Beijing. My mother is a Caucasian American who travelled and met my father a Shanghainese Chinese man, in – you guessed it, China. Living in a bicultural and biracial household has been my “TCK” experience, being a foreigner wherever you go, not new stuff. I went to Yew Chung International School for my Pre-K through 6th grade and Shanghai American School (Pudong) for my 7th grade to 12th grade education. Having spent the majority of my educated live in an international school, I only had TCK friends, and therefore identified as one at a pretty early time in my life. Back home I was the white friend, now I’m the yellow friend, boy do things change.
I study International Affairs at Lewis & Clark, debating a double major or minor in Philosophy. I attended Lewis & Clark mostly because my mother had attended this college for her undergraduate, and seeing where this education took her and the success she’s met, the opportunity was too tempting for me to ignore. My Mother worked in MNCs (Multinational Corporations) in China, for airline, ice-cream and mobile phone companies. My father is an entrepreneur who started his own import/export business out of Shanghai in the early 90s. Having the diverse “business” side of things at home, I was hoping to take a vacation to a more liberal place – here I am!
I’m not quite sure how much ranting a prospective student like yourself would like to read, so I’ll do you a favor and cut it short. My life here at Lewis & Clark and before has been a crazy ride, involving murderous elephants, finding Korean contraceptives at a trash pickup site in the Bahamas, and running like a Tiger-Monkey across streets in Portland with my friends. If you come here, I’ll tell you all about itJ.
More Third Culture Kids / Global Nomads Stories
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MSC: 187
voice 503-768-7121
Director of Student Engagement & Special Events
Tamara Ko
Student Engagement
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219