Environmental, Natural Resources, & Energy Law/
Prof Chris Wold- Wildlife trafficking panel receives ABA award
November 10, 2014
Prof Chris Wold- Wildlife trafficking panel receives ABA award
Congratulations to Professor Chris Wold, whose panel on wildlife trafficking just received the 2013-14 Best Program award from the ABA Section on Environment, Energy and Resources! Congratulations as well to alum Chandra Middleton, who was one of
the key organizers of the event for co-sponsor Environmental Law Institute.
the key organizers of the event for co-sponsor Environmental Law Institute.
Open gallery
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Congratulations to Professor Chris Wold, whose panel on wildlife trafficking just received the 2013-14 Best Program award from the ABA Section on Environment, Energy and Resources! Congratulations as well to alum Chandra Middleton, who was one of
the key organizers of the event for co-sponsor Environmental Law Institute.
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Environmental, Natural Resources, and Energy Law
Lewis & Clark Law School
10101 S. Terwilliger Boulevard MSC 51
Portland OR 97219