June 09, 2015

Where in the World is NCVLI? June Training Calendar Provides a Glimpse

As a national resource on victims’ rights, NCVLI criss-crosses the country training on the what, why & how of victims’ rights enforcement. Click here to see where we are training this month.
As a national resource on victims’ rights, NCVLI criss-crosses the country training on the what, why & how of victims’ rights enforcement.  Our goal is to ensure that victims nationwide have access to lawyers & advocates who understand victims’ rights and help activate them! 
June’s training calendar provides a glimpse of this work!
  • June 5 - Victims’ Rights Across the Country at MADD’s National Conference in Washington, D.C.
  • June 16 - Co-training at the Oregon Sexual Assault Task Force’s State-Wide Sexual Assault Cross Training & Capacity Building Conference: Working with Immigrant Sexual Assault Survivors and Victims‘ Rights Panel: A Case Examination into the CJC Process
  • June 22 - Fundamentals of Being Victim Counsel to the United State’s Air Force in Montgomery, Alabama
  • June 24 - Re-Integrating Victims into Justice at the Northwest
    Justice Forum in Portland, Oregon

To stay informed about upcoming trainings check our calendar

To request a training click here.