Harsh Bhati, new LLM student from India, co-authors article on Waste to Energy projects
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Harsh Bhati, a new LLM student from India, recently co-authored an article on Waste to Energy projects in India, which was published in the Environmental Policy and Law IOS Press. Harsh recently graduated from Jindal Global law school in Delhi. His environmental law professor was Nawneet Vibhaw, who was also an LLM student at Lewis & Clark.
Harsh has been interested in environmental law for many years, and hopes to use his degree to work on environmental issues in India, while also protecting the rights of indigenous peoples. His passion and dedication will allow him to fit right in at Lewis & Clark.
Here is what Harsh had to say after his first few weeks at LC: “I am glad that I received a great opportunity to pursue an LLM in Environmental and Natural Resources Law at Lewis & Clark Law School. I really admire the eminent faculty we have here for the Environmental Law program, and they are easily approachable and helpful. I really like the campus location as you can literally go for a hike to Tryon Creek State Natural Area from the backdoor of the law school. The campus and the city are really environmentally friendly - or more likely to say animal friendly. I am looking forward to learning new facets of environmental law and how we can deal with wildlife protection and forest conservation issues, not only in first world nations but also in third world nations. During my stay here in Portland, I will definitely give my best to keep Portland weird.”
Please say hello to Harsh if you see him on campus.
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Environmental, Natural Resources, and Energy Law
Lewis & Clark Law School
10101 S. Terwilliger Boulevard MSC 51
Portland OR 97219