October 30, 2015

Federal Indian Law 354-1I


This course provides an overview of federal Indian law, i.e. the federal policies and laws regarding tribal governments and individual Indians. Topics will include the origin and scope of federal power over Indian affairs, the nature and history of intergovernmental relations, the scope of tribal governmental authority; civil and criminal jurisdiction in Indian Country, as well as current issues in federal Indian law such as gaming, fishing rights, and religious freedom. The classes will include group work on practical issues in Indian country. Students will be graded primarily on a final exam but grades will be impacted by attendance and participation. 

Course student goals include being 1) able to recognize and understand the basic principles of federal Indian law, 2) familiar with the historical context of federal Indian law, 3) able to understand and apply the key U.S. Supreme Court decisions and federal Indian statutes, 4) able to understand critically examine related, current legal and public policy issues, and 5) able to effectively communicate, orally and in writing, an appropriate and effective analysis of issues related to federal Indian law.


The American Bar Association accreditation standards require students to regularly attend the courses in which they are registered. Lewis & Clark expects students to attend classes regularly and to prepare for classes conscientiously. Specific attendance requirements may vary from course to course. Any attendance guidelines for a given class must be provided to students in a syllabus or other written document at the start of the semester. Sanctions (e.g., required withdrawal from the course, grade adjustment, and/or a failing grade) will be imposed for poor attendance.