February 11, 2016

Acting to Protect Privacy

Throughout January NCVLI partnered with the Ohio Crime Victim Justice Center(formerly Justice League of Ohio) as its legal team fought to protect a victim’s rights. Click here to read more.
Throughout January NCVLI partnered with the Ohio Crime Victim Justice Center(formerly Justice League of Ohio) as its legal team fought to protect a victim’s rights. The case involves the privacy rights of the surviving victim of a triple-homicide who is facing a multitude of invasive pretrial subpoenas, including subpoenas for her laptop and telephone records as well as social media, medical and mental health records. The attorneys are fighting hard to ensure that the victim’s rights to privacy and protection are respected by the courts and that this victim is not re-victimized by the process. Click here to read more about the case. 
NCVLI began working with the legal team on this case after they submitted a request for legal technical assistance. If you are a legal professional working on a case and need assistance in the form of research, writing or strategic advice fill in our TA request form.