December 05, 2017

LC alums working in international environmental law: Update from Prof. Wold

Prof. Chris Wold, in Manila for fisheries meetings, sent an update on Lewis & Clark Law School alums working in international environmental law.
Prof. Wold with alums at Western Fisheries mtg Manila; l- r: Bubba Cook, '03; Viv Fernandes, LLM '15; Brad Wiley, '01; Chris Wold, '90
Prof. Wold with alums at Western Fisheries mtg Manila; l- r: Bubba Cook, ’03; Viv Fernandes, LLM '15; Brad Wiley, '01; Chris Wold, '90

Lewis & Clark Law School has alums around the world working in international environmental law and policy jobs. I am in Manila participating in the annual meeting of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission, which manages the world’s largest and most valuable tuna fishery. In addition to myself (founder and director of the International Environmental Law Project at Lewis & Clark, alum ’90), we have four other grads participating in varying capacities.

Sam Rauch,’94, is now NOAA’s Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Fisheries. He led the US delegation at the meeting in Manila. 

Brad Wiley, ’01, is a Policy Specialist/Field Office Supervisor at the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission in La Jolla, California. He supervises the Commission’s six Latin American offices, among other things.

Viv Fernandes, LLM ’15, is the Compliance Policy Adviser for the Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA). The FFA, based in the Solomon Islands, strengthens national capacity and regional coordination among the 17 Pacific island members regarding the management, control, and development of tuna fisheries.

Bubba Cook, ’03, is based in New Zealand where he directs the World Wildlife Fund’s Western and Central Pacific Tuna Program.

Meanwhile, Prof. Erica Lyman, alum ’05 and Staff Attorney for IELP, just returned from a meeting of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) in Geneva. While there, she worked with four other Lewis & Clark alums: Tanya Sanerib, ’02, a senior attorney with the international program of the Center for Biological Diversity; Alice Stroud, LLM ’96, who runs the Africa Policy and Capacity Program of the Born Free Foundation; Mandy Rude, ’13, a legal analyst with the Legal Atlas, and Olivier Jamin, ’16, a law fellow with the International Environmental Law Project.

Other alums (amongst many) working in international environmental law include Carl Bruch, ’96, who directs the International Law Program of the Environmental Law Institute, and Sarah Uhlemann, ’05, who directs the International Program of the Center for Biological Diversity.

The International Environmental Law Project (IELP) at Lewis & Clark Law School works with governments, non-governmental organizations, and international institutions to develop, implement, and enforce international environmental law to tackle some of today’s most challenging global issues, including climate changebiodiversity conservationoceans and fisheries and trade and the environment. As the only on-campus legal clinic at a U.S. law school focusing solely on international environmental law, IELP also educates and trains Lewis & Clark Law School students to become effective international lawyers. Through classroom instruction, representation of clients, and hands-on participation at international environmental treaty negotiations, students learn the fundamentals of international environmental law and policy. 

For more information regarding Lewis & Clark’s International Environmental Law Project and more of our environmental alumni, please visit the related content section.