November 15, 2018

Alumni in Action: Jim Karani Riungu

Animal Law LLM alum Jim Karani Riungu ’16 received our International Advocates Animal Law LLM Scholarship. See what he is doing now!

1. What have you done since leaving the Animal Law LLM Program and what is the impact of your work on animals?

I have been running a novel program in Kenya dubbed “Eyes In The Courtroom,” which follows up on wildlife crime cases to ensure poachers and traffickers are brought to justice. It also involves activities that train law enforcement and judicial officers on the best practices of handling wildlife crime cases.

My next focus is marine mammals that are facing challenges and fighting against CAFOs being set up in Kenya.

2. How would you describe the value of your post-JD animal law education?

It armed me with the necessary skills to fight for animals within the legal structure. My undergraduate degree was reinforced by the post-JD animal law education, which increased and transformed my proficiency in animal law.

3. What do you remember most about the Animal Law LLM Program at Lewis & Clark?

What I remember most about the Animal Law LLM Program were the engaging classes, the truly eye opening animal field assignments, and the camaraderie of my fellow animal law students. There is just too much to mention, but those three highlights had the most impact on my life at the Center of Animal Law Studies.