CALS Welcomes Iyan Offor as a Visiting International Research Scholar
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The Center for Animal Law Studies (CALS) at Lewis & Clark Law School is pleased to welcome Iyan Offor, PhD researcher with the University of Strathclyde Center for Environmental Law and Governance in Glasgow, Scotland, as a Visiting International Research Scholar for the spring semester.
Iyan’s research focuses on global animal law, international trade law, and critical, intersectional and feminist animal ethics. Iyan also uses concepts of wild law and earth jurisprudence in his work in an attempt to nuance the dichotomised relationship between animal law and environmental law. CALS is thrilled that Iyan has chosen to further his research as a Visiting International Research Scholar, as Dean Pamela Frasch notes: “Iyan comes to CALS with a wealth of experience and a passion for creative approaches to addressing the plight of animals world-wide. We are delighted to welcome him to our campus and look forward to collaborating as he continues to develop cutting edge theories that will form the basis of effective advocacy.”
Iyan obtained an LL.B. (Bachelor of Laws) from the University of Edinburgh, with an exchange year at the National University of Singapore. Iyan also holds an LLM degree with distinction for his research at the University of Aberdeen on European Union trade policy and animal welfare. Iyan works as an associate lecturer at the University of Strathclyde and he has taught as a visiting lecturer at Aarhus University. He has also worked as a project officer for Eurogroup for Animals’ Trade & Animal Welfare Project. Iyan is published in Global Trade and Customs Journal and the UK Journal of Animal Law. His most recent work will soon be published in Transnational Environmental Law.
CALS welcomes law professors and legal scholars from all over the world to come to Lewis & Clark Law School as a Visiting International Research Scholar. CALS values and appreciates the perspective that Visiting Scholars provide for our students and faculty, as well as providing opportunities for our Scholars to immerse themselves in our animal law community and learn more about U.S. animal law. Scholars chosen for our Visiting International Research Scholar Program have the opportunity to participate in our many animal law programs, including auditing our Animal Law courses, attending our annual Animal Law Conference, presenting to groups on campus, and interacting with students and faculty.
Please join us in warmly welcoming Iyan!
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Center for Animal Law Studies is located in Wood Hall on the Law Campus.
MSC: 51
voice 503-768-6960
Center for Animal Law Studies
Lewis & Clark Law School
10101 S. Terwilliger Boulevard MSC 51
Portland OR 97219