The Bark | October 3, 2022
The Bark | September 26, 2022
The VPSL Column
In many portions of the northern hemisphere, fall is recognized as a time to celebrate the hard work of spring and summer and the resulting harvest. As the season changes and we begin to recognize the telltale signs of a Pacific Northwest Autumn, it is a great time to reflect upon our own hard work and celebrate. Whether it’s taking the time to get outdoors and enjoy the fall splendor or enjoying a small gathering with friends over a hot beverage in the crisp air, I encourage you to find your joy as the rigors of the academic semester take hold.
This month, we celebrate the inauguration of Dr. Robin Holmes-Sullivan as our 26th President. There are many ways to join the festivities, but I’d like to invite you specifically to partake in two activities. On Saturday, October 22, all L&C students are invited to the Student Inauguration Party, a game-filled night at Punch Bowl Social in the heart of downtown Portland to celebrate the inauguration of President Holmes-Sullivan. Food and nonalcoholic beverages will be provided, and there will be a range of fun activities available from bowling, ping pong, arcade games, giant scrabble, foosball, cornhole, and karaoke! Limited transportation is available, so register today! As part of the inauguration, the Center for Social Change and Community Involvement is also hosting a campus-wide food drive for the Oregon Food Bank. I hope you’ll join me in participating in both.
This month, we also celebrate the completion of Phase 2 of the student center remodel. Most student organization spaces, several new meeting rooms, and some offices will open in the coming days and weeks. The remaining portions of the remodel are still on track to be completed in time for the Spring semester. Be on the lookout for communications from the Campus Activities Board and Student Engagement, as our new Student Center comes to life!
Together, I look forward to celebrating all the hard work we put in to make our campus community the vibrant and inclusive space we want it to be.
Rocky Campbell
Assistant Dean, Student Engagement
COVID-19 Updates
From September 24th to the 30th, we had 19 total reported COVID-19 cases in the Lewis & Clark community. These COVID cases are broken down by category below.
- College of Arts and Sciences on-campus - 8
- College of Arts and Sciences off-campus - 8
- Law School - 1
- Graduate School - 2
- Visit the dashboard for more information on prior COVID-19 case counts reported in the L&C community.
Fall Break FAQs
Will there be airport transportation available?
- No, however the office of transportation can provide students with 2 free TriMet tickets and help them with a plan to get to the airport if needed. Reach out to or come to Campus Safety for more information.
Will the Pio Express run during the Fall Break?
- Yes, it will operate on its normal weekday hours.
What are the hours for dining halls on campus during the Fall Break?’
Dining halls
- Field Dining Hall: weekend Brunch/Dinner schedules for Thursday and Friday, regular weekend hours
- Trail Room: open Thursday and Friday for coffee and grab and go from 8am to 3pm - no lunch service
- The Market: regular hours, noon-8pm
- Dovecote: Closed
Dining halls
What facilities will be open?
- Library will be open at usual hours, 24 hours for Thursday, until 10:00pm on Friday, 11:00am-7:00pm on Saturday, and 24 hours starting from 9:00am on Sunday.
- Pamplin Sport Center: Wednesday until 8pm, Thursday and Friday will be 10am-8pm
- Annual Crime Awareness, Security, and Fire Safety Report – Includes statistics for the past three years about certain reported crimes that occurred on campus, in certain off-campus buildings owned or controlled by Lewis & Clark, and on public property immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus. Among the crimes reported are hate and bias crimes, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. Arrests and disciplinary referrals for drug, alcohol, and weapons possession are also reported. In addition to statistics about crimes, arrests, and disciplinary referrals, the report includes information about the college’s alcohol, drug, and sexual misconduct policies, as well as campus security, crime prevention, the reporting of crimes, and other matters. Other sections cover emergency response and evacuations, missing student procedures, fire safety/systems in the residence halls, and reported residence hall fires over the same three-year period. You may obtain a paper copy of the report by contacting Campus Safety, or you can view it as a PDF online. For more information, please contact Campus Safety at or 503-768-7777.
- TriMet is considering eliminating routes 38 and 39, which are the bus routes closest to campus. Read the TriMet’s Draft Service Concept and take the short survey to provide feedback by October 31, 2022 if you are interested.
- Student Center Phase 2 Construction Complete! NEW SPACES OPEN 10/7! – Basically, everything except for the old Mail Room and hallway on the west end of the second floor will be open. In addition, the east exterior (ravine side) stairs will also be open and usable starting 10/7.
- Register Now For Inauguration Travel Options and Win Prizes! – As we prepare to welcome hundreds of visitors for the inauguration of Robin Holmes-Sullivan as the twenty-sixth president of Lewis & Clark, we ask you to help make the day a little bit sweeter by reducing our parking burden. If you plan to come to campus by one of the following options, you can register for a free coffee from Bon Appétit—and be entered into a raffle for a gift basket! Please register now to use one of the options for travel to campus on Friday, October 21, 2022.
- ASB Commuter Carpool Bulletin Board – ASB Cabinet has created an online Commuter Carpool Bulletin Board to facilitate rideshares to campus. If you are seeking a ride, you can fill out your information on the passenger section. Students must provide their name, phone number, their area (SW/SE/NW/NE), their neighborhood (ex: Brooklyn, Downtown, etc), and the times they plan on arriving and departing campus. Drivers will do the same, as well as list their car model and their available open seats. By putting your phone number on this spreadsheet, your peers will reach out to coordinate potential carpools. If you are no longer seeking a ride, or cannot fit further passengers in your vehicle, please remove your name from the spreadsheet. As a carpool, you are eligible to purchase a discounted carpool permit from Parking & Transportation. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to or
- October 4, 2022 | 3:30pm - 4:15pm | Library Classroom (Watzek 245)
- Would you like to navigate the library with the kind of confidence you might feel in a bookstore? If you’ve ever wanted to have a better handle on how to browse in the library, our first Watzek How-To workshop of the year may be for you.
Lunch with a Leader: Ian Williams
- October 5, 2022 | 11:30am - 1:00pm | JR Howard, Room 302
- Come listen to the entrepreneurial journey that weaves from janitor to Nike footwear designer, to leaving it all behind to start a coffee shop built around the sneaker community and the guiding mantra “Coffee Should Be Dope.” Register here!
LC English Fall ’22 Reading Series: Audrey Gutierrez
- October 4, 2022 | 6:00pm | Frank Manor House, Armstrong Lounge
- We are delighted to kick off our LC English Fall ’22 Reading Series by showcasing work by Visiting Instructor and LC alumna Audrey Gutierrez! Audrey Gutierrez is a Cuban-American writer from Lafayette, Louisiana. She earned an MFA from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and is a finalist of the 2022 PEN Emerging Voices Fellowship and of the Mary Blodgett Fiction Prize from the University of Iowa.
Calling for Nominations: Student Life Staff Awards
- Submission deadline: March 15, 2023
- The Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students looks forward to presenting Student Life Staff Awards in Spring 2023. You are invited to nominate exceptional Student Life staff members today!
Help Plan Indigenous Peoples’ Heritage Month
- This Indigenous Peoples’ Month the Inclusion and Multicultural Engagement Office is working with the Native Student Union to put together a planning committee. This committee will be in charge of planning and executing events related to a wide variety of native and indigenous cultures and their aspects. As a committee member your main responsibility will be to help by contributing event ideas and helping with some logistical aspects of event planning. Join Today! Indigenous identifying people and allies are open to join!
- You may join using this google form.
Student Advisory Committee: Application is now open!
- Application is open now until October 7, 2022 at 5:00pm!
- This Student Advisory Committee (SAC) has a primary goal of providing feedback to the Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Students (Dr. Evette Castillo Clark) and sharing experiences on student issues. Throughout the academic year, monthly meetings will take place to encourage discussion on new initiatives and emergent issues. The Board’s recommendations help to influence the VPSL/DOS goals, services, and overall effectiveness.
- You will receive a $50 stipend per semester as a member of the SAC.
Groups Provided by the Lewis and Clark Counseling Service Fall 2022
- The Let Out: for BIPOC students every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at 5:30pm in the IME Office, Led by Christabel Léonce, PsyD
- This is not group therapy but a place where students can drop in with questions about mental health, how to cope with stressful events around them, and to gain some skills for coping. Drop-in group, no registration needed.
- Microaggressions Group therapy Tuesdays at 5:00pm, Led by Christabel Léonce, PsyD
- If interested, please contact the Counseling Service at 503-768-7160 or Christabel Léonce at
Campus-Wide Food Drive With Oregon Food Bank
- Now until October 24, 2022!
- The Center for Social Change and Community Involvement is partnering with the Oregon Food Bank, Campus Living, and Athletics to host a food drive as part of our Service Day events honoring the inauguration of president, Dr. Robin Holmes-Sullivan. This campus-wide food drive will run from October 1st- October 24th and we are aiming to engage students, faculty, and staff with collecting the most needed items for our local food pantries. Donation bins will be placed in various on-campus locations (see above link) for the duration of the drive and will be collected weekly.
Additional Newsletters From The Division of Student Life
- Subscribe to this weekly newsletter to learn about events and jobs/internships!
- In this weekly newsletter, you will receive information about Open House sessions, Socials and other College Outdoors special events, updates, and opportunities!
- Use this link to receive occasional updates and first chance to sign up for opportunities
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The Bark is located in East Hall on the Undergraduate Campus.
MSC: 102
voice 503-768-7110
The Bark
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219