August 22, 2023
Congratulations on all the milestones each of you have reached during the 2022-23 academic year.
By Guest Columnist: Dr. Evette Castillo Clark.
Open gallery
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Dear Students,
The end of the semester is in your sight as we enter finals week, and it’s hard to believe that Commencement for graduating seniors is upon us, this Saturday, May 6!
CONGRATULATIONS. Whether you are finishing your degree or this was your first semester as a student here, you have reached a milestone by getting to the end of the academic year. I am honored to have spent this year learning with and working alongside you, celebrating your achievements, empathizing with your frustrations, and pushing to make the student experience better for all. I hope you can look back on this year with pride, and look ahead with confidence.
To those of you who are graduating, I truly believe that your hard work and the experiences you have had here are a ticket to an incredible life ahead. I am eager to see the diverse experiences you have and the mark you make on the world as an L&C alum. Stay in touch!
For those of you returning next year, I’m looking forward to another purposeful year together. I’ll see some of you around campus over the summer, and will be ready for the excitement of NSO when August rolls around. Internships, summer jobs, time with friends and family, a few days at the beach … whatever you do during the break, may it prepare your mind and body for the whirlwind of the next academic year.
There are still lots of events and activities happening on campus between now and commencement. Remember, if you are a resident, your move-out procedures and steps can be found here. And stop by the Stephanie Fowler Student Center Dedication on May 4. I’ll be there and attending the host of other celebratory events this week.
Have a wonderful summer, and huge congratulations to those of you who are graduating. I hope L&C will always be a place that feels like home for you.
Evette Castillo Clark, Ed.D.
Vice President for Student Life
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Portland OR 97219