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"Is it discriminatory to charge extra for nondairy milk?"

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Dunkin’ Donuts charges customers extra for nondairy milk in their coffee drinks. But a lawsuit filed recently in California contends that these charges violate the Americans with Disabilities Act, because food allergies can be considered a disability. As Lewis & Clark Professor Rajesh Reddy explains, the difference in cost between dairy and nondairy products reflects how the government subsidizes the dairy industry. “With every cup of morning Joe, it’s the dairy industry Americans are bailing out. Just how much the federal government — and taxpayers by extension — subsidize the industry is a little-known fact, and its implications are mind-boggling.” ​By keeping dairy prices artificially low, demand for dairy increases while smaller producers deal with higher production costs and lower demand. “You couldn’t come up with an inherently more unlevel playing field if you tried.”