Lawyering for Reproductive Justice
If/When/How trains, networks and mobilizes law students and legal professionals to work within and beyond the legal system to champion reproductive justice. In collaboration with communities, organizations, and movements, we transform the law and policy landscape through advocacy, support, and organizing so that all people – especially those most likely to face reproductive injustice – have the power to determine if, when, and how to define, create, and sustain families with dignity and to actualize sexual and reproductive wellbeing on their own terms.
Reproductive Justice is an intersectional movement started, named and sustained by people of color. Reproductive Justice includes: environmental justice, queer rights, disability rights, educational justice, racial justice, workers rights, immigrant rights, youth organizing, and more.
We are not the leaders of this movement. We are following the lead of activists, lawyers, and organizers as they pave the way before us. As it is our mission, we hope that everything we do this year, and in the years to come, honors and highlights the groundbreaking work that people of color have done to advance the reproductive justice movement for decades, for centuries.
Instagram @ifwhenhow.lclaw
to learn more about our national organization, visit: ifwhenhow.org