Frequently Asked Questions (Transfer & Visiting Students)

Are transfer students eligible for Law Review?

A:        Lewis & Clark has three law reviews, Environmental Law, Lewis & Clark Law Review, and Animal Law. Transfer students – even those who are not yet fully admitted — are eligible to participate in a “write-on” competition that is held from May through June of each year. Details about how to participate in the writing competition are available on the law review web site. Questions about how to access the site and participate in the competition should be directed to Ms. Matty Davis, the law review administrator at 503-768-6700 or matty@lclark.edu.

How do transfer or visiting students find out about class assignments?

A:        Most law faculty post class assignments and syllabi on TWEN. You will be able to access TWEN through your Westlaw account. Westlaw passwords will be distributed by the library via email. If you have any questions, please contact Mari Cheney at 503-768-6708 or maricheney@lclark.edu

How do transfer or visiting students register for classes?

A:        Lewis & Clark has online registration. The Registrar’s office can walk you through the process and there are detailed instructions on the registrar website. We have what we call “priority” registration in early May when all the upper division returning students register for the following year’s classes. From then on students can add and drop classes and get onto wait lists. Wait list invitations are sent via email in early August. The Registrar’s office can be contacted at 503-768-6614 or lawreg@lclark.edu.

How do I know what classes will transfer into L&C?

A:        All classes with a grade of “C” or higher will transfer. First-year courses that need to be taken must be taken at the first possible opportunity. Depending on the classes needed, there may be some limitations on what upper division courses the student can take prior to completing the first-year courses.

How do I know what I still have to do to meet Lewis & Clark first-year requirements and overall graduation requirements?

A:        You will receive a detailed letter describing what classes you need once we have your final full transcript for all the law school courses you have attended prior to enrolling at Lewis & Clark. If you want a preliminary evaluation, you can make an appointment to meet with Associate Dean Libby Davis who can go over your most recent transcript and any courses in which you are enrolled, or which you have taken but for which no grades are yet available. Dean Libby Davis can be contacted at eadavis@lclark.edu.

Is there an orientation for transfer students?

A:        Transfer students are strongly encouraged to attend the first year Orientation. There will also be a Welcome Session for transfer & visiting students about a week into classes. There is no formal orientation for students transferring or visiting in spring, but campus tours are available.