Rahna Epting ’05

Executive Director, MoveOn

I believe that we are the change we want to see in the world. We must root ourselves in the agency we hold and do what we can to make the world a better place, to create a society where we take care of one another, where we welcome one another, where everyone is set up to thrive.

MoveOn is a community that allows me to live in that purpose, it allows me to empower others to take action, to pool our collective power together to affect change. It is incredible what we can do when we join together and speak with one voice. I became a MoveOn member when I was at Lewis  &  Clark Law School and joined a protest in downtown Portland. In that moment I recognized our collective power. I recognized that I am not alone, we are not alone, there are millions like us who believe that our society can be structured to care for one another, who believe in a democracy that works for everyone.

;(function($) { var initAdvocateBreadcrumbs = function() { var tags = $('span.lw_item_tag > a'), current_issue = '', i = 0; if (tags.length && tags.length > 0) { while (i < tags.length && current_issue === '') { var matches = tags[i].innerHTML.match(/^(Spring|Summer|Fall|Winter)-(\d{4})$/); if (matches !== null && current_issue === '') { current_issue = matches[1] + ' ' + matches[2]; } i++; } if ( matches !== null ) { var issueLink = '' + current_issue + ' Issue'; document.getElementById("this_advocate_issue").innerHTML = issueLink; } } }; // Run on document ready initAdvocateBreadcrumbs(); })(livewhale.jQuery);