James Henry ’14

Corporate Counsel, ZoomInfo

In a fast-paced, technology-focused environment, I am striving to achieve ongoing efficiencies in the way that I provide legal support to business leaders within my organization. This involves collaborating with other in-house counsel, researching software to enhance automation or process development, and taking time to understand the needs and priorities of the business I support. I think that technology and innovation are critical elements to the success of any business and I want to advance that mindset as it relates to the practice of law.

;(function($) { var initAdvocateBreadcrumbs = function() { var tags = $('span.lw_item_tag > a'), current_issue = '', i = 0; if (tags.length && tags.length > 0) { while (i < tags.length && current_issue === '') { var matches = tags[i].innerHTML.match(/^(Spring|Summer|Fall|Winter)-(\d{4})$/); if (matches !== null && current_issue === '') { current_issue = matches[1] + ' ' + matches[2]; } i++; } if ( matches !== null ) { var issueLink = '' + current_issue + ' Issue'; document.getElementById("this_advocate_issue").innerHTML = issueLink; } } }; // Run on document ready initAdvocateBreadcrumbs(); })(livewhale.jQuery);