Bike Commute Challenge

Bicycle Transportation Alliance



The beginning of September kicks off the Bike Commute Challenge – a month-long event in which Portland companies, nonprofits, and institutions engage in friendly competition to see who can get the most employees and students to commute by bicycle in the month of September. We invite you to take part in any of the activities below and engage in the growing bicycling community at Lewis & Clark.


Each year the Bicycle Transportation Alliance (“BTA”), a local bike advocacy nonprofit, organizes the Bike Commute Challenge to introduce new riders to the joy of biking, and also to enhance the existing bicycle communities in workplaces. In 2010, 1283 workplaces and 10,833 individuals around Portland participated, with 1,166,247 miles biked! Lewis & Clark logged an incredible 15,114 of those miles!!

*The L&C Team*

In years past, Lewis & Clark has had more than one team, which separated the campus from one another and the students from the faculty and staff. This year we continue a new tradition of having one unified team represented by students, faculty and staff from all three campuses. This is a great opportunity not only for L&C to show Portland how bike friendly we are, but for L&C students, faculty and staff to engage in a campus-wide effort together, and to demonstrate our commitment to sustainable transportation.

*How to Participate*

Go to to register and join the “Lewis & Clark” team. Then, log your bike trips online during the month of September. At the end of the month, the BTA will tally the bike trips and rank all workplaces in size categories by the percentage of commutes achieved by bike.


*Please contact us at with questions, comments, or
to get more info*