Liz Tyson-Griffin

United Kingdom
LLM Candidate ’25

Dr. Liz Tyson-Griffin has worked for two decades in the animal rights and welfare nonprofit sector, focusing on ending the exploitation of wild animals in captivity, and with a particular interest in primate rescue and welfare. She has had the opportunity to work around the globe, including in her native United Kingdom, Ireland, Colombia, Palestine, Spain, Ethiopia, and the United States. Since 2018, she has worked as Programs Director for Born Free USA, overseeing the charity’s primate sanctuary based in south Texas and running the organization’s campaigning and advocacy work.

Liz gained her LLB (Hons) in 2006 from the Open University, UK, her PhD in Animal Law in 2018 from the University of Essex, UK, and her Masters in Social Justice and Community Organizing from Prescott College, AZ, in 2023. In completing the LLM in Animal Law with Lewis and Clark, Liz hopes to expand her understanding of animal law within US jurisdiction as a means to aid her advocacy work for animals.

Liz lives in central Texas with her husband, Kali, daughter, Anna Patricia, and three rescued dog companions, Maya, Stanley, and Chambira.