Torts II

Torts II - Economic Torts and Business Disputes - Professor Kevin Brady

  • Course Number: LAW-140
  • Course Type: Foundational
  • Credits: 2
  • Enrollment Limit: Determined by the Registrar
  • Description: This course examines several advanced torts and contracts topics that business lawyers—litigators, advisors, and transactional specialists alike—regularly encounter but that first-year courses generally do not cover. A common theme of the legal theories examined is that they protect economic interests. Specific topics include interference with economic interests, misrepresentation, trade-secret misappropriation, false advertising, unfair competition, some privacy and class-action doctrines, and so on. The readings consist primarily of judicial opinions and recent court filings involving large corporations.
  • Prerequisite: Torts
  • Evaluation Method: Take-home exam
  • Capstone: no
  • WIE: no