Orion Cruz ’12

Assistant Attorney General, National Government of the Republic of Palau

I envision a world where land is being restored; where we are more focused on making ecosystems thrive than preventing extinction; where global cooperation has enabled our oceans to start recovering and for progress to be made in stabilizing our climate; where the goal of economic growth has been discarded, and the economy has been reimagined; where the Doomsday Clock has stopped inching towards midnight; where people have stopped tolerating injustice, racism, and unnecessary suffering; where inequality within and among countries is disappearing; and where democracy means much more than it does today. I am working to create positive change by advocating for global cooperation, spreading awareness, and influencing law and policy related to climate change, marine conservation, and human rights. In my current role, I support the Republic of Palau’s Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment, and Tourism by developing and drafting new laws and regulations, advising the government on issues related to fisheries agreements, and developing ideas for sustainable tourism.

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