Jesse Merrithew ’07

Civil Rights Attorney, Levi Merrithew Horst PC

The law is a tool of the powerful, used to protect their property and their power. In this country, that has always meant that the law protects and promotes white supremacy. But it does not have to. It can also be used to give a voice to the oppressed, to expose the distance between our country’s promises and its practices, and occasionally, when deployed with surgical precision, to eradicate some of the cancer of white supremacy.

;(function($) { var initAdvocateBreadcrumbs = function() { var tags = $('span.lw_item_tag > a'), current_issue = '', i = 0; if (tags.length && tags.length > 0) { while (i < tags.length && current_issue === '') { var matches = tags[i].innerHTML.match(/^(Spring|Summer|Fall|Winter)-(\d{4})$/); if (matches !== null && current_issue === '') { current_issue = matches[1] + ' ' + matches[2]; } i++; } if ( matches !== null ) { var issueLink = '' + current_issue + ' Issue'; document.getElementById("this_advocate_issue").innerHTML = issueLink; } } }; // Run on document ready initAdvocateBreadcrumbs(); })(livewhale.jQuery);