Jurisprudence: What is Justice?

  • Offered occasionally

Jurisprudence: What is Justice? - Professor John Kroger

  • Course Number: LAW-570
  • Course Type: Foundational
  • Credits: 2
  • Enrollment Limit: 18
  • Description: “Justice” is a primary normative standard by which legal systems are assessed. It is essential that we define what the term means, for without a clear understanding of justice, it is impossible to determine whether the legal systems we encounter in the world are meeting this primary goal or not. There is, however, no consensus on what justice means. In this course, we
    will study leading theories of justice from the ancient Greeks to the present in order to determine for ourselves what justice is. To achieve this goal, we will read foundational philosophical and jurisprudential texts by, among others, Aristotle, Mill, Kant, Rawls, Sandel, and Walzer.
  • Prerequisite: none
  • Evaluation Method: Two ten page papers
  • Capstone: no
  • WIE: no