SBLC LLC Law Day Success
Initially, the idea was to have a mass gathering in the office with over 50 attorneys, clients and law students working together to start their new businesses. These plans were quickly modified in early March. The SBLC was able to shift focus to online meetings, with clients meeting with attorneys through video conferencing. Despite the fact that the SBLC saw a drastic decrease in interest in starting businesses due to both pandemic restrictions and economic uncertainty, thirteen clients met with attorneys and formed and registered their business in late April and early May 2020.
The Multnomah Bar Association’s Young Lawyer’s Section approached the Small Business Legal Clinic law in the fall of 2019 with the suggestion of working together to match young lawyers with small business owners to form and register single-member and multi-member LLCs. SBLC Attorney Volunteer and MBA YLS member, Ioana Lavric put significant work into planning the event and coordinate the various stakeholders.
Initially, the idea was to have a mass gathering in the office with over 50 attorneys, clients and law students working together to start their new businesses. These plans were quickly modified in early March. The SBLC was able to shift focus to online meetings, with clients meeting with attorneys through video conferencing. Despite the fact that the SBLC saw a drastic decrease in interest in starting businesses due to both pandemic restrictions and economic uncertainty, thirteen clients met with attorneys and formed and registered their business in late April and early May 2020.
voice 503-768-6940
fax 503-768-6540
Executive Director Juliana Minn