May 02, 2017

Help Us Track Legislation in Your State

Click here to help us facilitate a national dialogue on potential new laws impacting victims.

To help NCVLI strategically advance crime victims’ rights, we are announcing a new initiative to facilitate a national dialogue on potential new laws that impact victims’ rights and services across the country. But we need your help to keep us up-to-date on what’s happening on the ground.

If you know about a pending or recently enacted legislation that may impact victims’ rights and services in your area, we want to know!  Please follow the steps below to access forms to give us the details.

Step 1) Check if this legislation is already on our Tracking Spreadsheet by visiting here.

Step 2) If the legislation is on our spreadsheet, but its status or other information needs to be updated, please use the UPDATE form.

Step 3) If the legislation is not on our spreadsheet, please complete this form.

We will highlight noteworthy legislation in NCVLI’s monthly e-news and NAVRA’s New & Noteworthy emails; and we will use this information to inform our work with advocacy groups throughout this country and abroad. Thank you for your help!