Summer 2021 Courses
SPECIAL NOTE: All Summer 2021 class information is subject to change. Some classes are currently listed as In-Person Required. If an in-person required class cannot be taught in person, it is possible the class may be cancelled at a later date. At this time, the plan is to offer those classes in person subject to current state health guidelines related to the Covid situation.
SPECIAL NOTE: The table below provides the general date range for classes. Summer classes may vary each week, so you MUST check WebAdvisor to see the EXACT dates on which class will be held. The exact dates will not be available until February. Visiting students may use WebAdvisor to check for specific class dates by clicking through and using the Prospective Students link on the login page. Then choose Search for Sections, and select Law - Summer 2021 as the Term and Law as the Subject.
SUMMER EXAMS: Read the Summer Exam page CAREFULLY! Summer School exam dates vary depending on the specific class. You are responsible for being aware of potential exam dates when you register for classes. The last potential exam date in Session I is July 6, 2021. The last potential exam date in Session II is August 9, 2021. Do not make travel plans without knowing when your last exam may be.
- Check WebAdvisor for the most up to date schedule information.
- Temporary Revision to Distance Learning Policy May 2020: In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Lewis & Clark Law School students were required to take 4 weeks of spring 2020 classes online, many summer 2020 classes have been moved online, and at least some fall 2020 and spring 2021 classes will be partly or completely online. These circumstances require a temporary suspension of paragraph 6.2 of the Lewis & Clark Distance Learning Policy (Nov. 2018 revision), which provides that “Lewis & Clark JDstudents may take no more than 12 credits via Distance Learning towards the JD degree at Lewis & Clark, and only after successfully completing all required first year law courses.” Spring 2020 classes that were moved online will not count towards the 12-credit limit on distance learning classes. Lewis & Clark Law School classes offered fully or partly online during Summer 2020, Fall 2020, Spring 2021, and Summer 2021 also will not count towards the 12-credit limit. Paragraph 6.3 of the Distance Learning Policy, which governs the circumstances under which Lewis & Clark students can take distance learning classes offered at other law schools, remains in effect.
Lewis & Clark law students can register directly through WebAdvisor. Visiting students and auditors must submit a registration form and a $150 non-refundable deposit to the Registrar’s office. Click here for information about our registration and application requirements.
- If anything appears to be in error, please email us at so we can look into it.
Click on the course title below to read the course description.
Law Registrar is located in Legal Research Center on the Law Campus.
MSC: 51
voice 503-768-6614
fax 503-768-6850
Registrar Tiffany Henning
Law Registrar
Lewis & Clark Law School
10101 S. Terwilliger Boulevard MSC 51
Portland OR 97219