Intro to Environmental Legal Studies

Introduction to Environmental Legal Studies 

NOTE: This online course is required for international LLM students, MSL students, and visiting international scholars in the Environmental, Natural Resources, and Energy Law Program. 

  • Course Number: LAW-610
  • Course Type: N/A
  • Credits: 2
  • Enrollment Limit: Determined by the Registrar
  • Description: This seminar is mandatory for all MSL students, and all international LLM students and visiting scholars who did not receive a law degree in a common law country. It is highly recommended for international LLM students from common law countries as well.

    Topics covered in the seminar include a basic introduction to the U.S. legal and governmental system, an overview of the U.S. administrative,
    constitutional, and environmental and natural resource laws, and workshops on legal research and writing, study techniques, and exam taking.
    Students will be assessed through a written examination covering legal topics studied in the course, as well as through a short legal research
  • Prerequisite: none
  • Capstone: no
  • WIE: no