Address Change: Law Students Only

Lewis & Clark Law students may use this form to change their current address. Electronic receipt of your request with your LC ID number and email account listed will take the place of your signature. 

Allow one business day to process the request.

You must confirm that you understand you are making a permanent address change.

All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.

required text field
Enter as Last Name, First Name. Include nickname if appropriate.
required e-mail address field
required text field
required textarea field
Enter complete OLD address including city, state, zip code, and if applicable, any apartment, box, or unit number.
required textarea field
Enter complete NEW address including city, state, zip code, and if applicable, any apartment, box, or unit number.
textarea field
If you have a phone number change, or have extra address information to convey, you can use this area.
required checkbox field