July 13, 2021
Building Capacity Through Training
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NCVLI works to ensure victims’ rights advocates, attorneys and allied professionals are trained on the latest in victims’ rights. A snapshot of this month’s trainings include:
- On July 1st, NCVLI, joined by Captain Walters, Victims’ Legal Counsel, provided an overview on victims’ rights in military and civilian criminal justice as part of our Responding to Military Members and Families Project, which is a collaboration with the National Organization for Victim Assistance.
- On July 21st, NCVLI and Arizona Voice for Crime Victims will co-present on victims’ rights implicated when a child-victim is involved in both a criminal case and dependency proceedings, and explore the differences between Guardians ad Litems and Victims’ Rights Attorneys.
- On July 28th, NCVLI will present a training titled “Making Restitution Meaningful,” which will discuss strategies on how to assist victims to navigate the restitution process, ways to ensure courts order accurate restitution, and highlight methods for collecting restitution. Register Here.