The Quinault Allottees Association Scholarship Program of Lewis & Clark College is made possible by an endowment from Indians who own land on the Quinault Reservation on the central coast of Washington.
This unique program encourages descendants of any of the 2,340 original allottees of the reservation, any American Indian student, and others to apply. The committee administering the program will consider candidates qualifying for admission in the above-mentioned descending order.
This program is part of the stewardship of the Quinault allottees, who won a judgment of $26 million in the case of Mitchell v. United States (1990). Created by the Treaty of Olympia (1855) and enlarged by executive order (1876) to nearly 190,000 acres, the reservation was allotted between 1911 and 1934 to 2,340 Indians of the Chinook, Cowlitz, Shoalwater, Chehalis, Quinault, Queets, Hoh, Quileute, and Makah tribes of western Washington. The reservation is part of the great rainforest of the Olympic Peninsula.
The Quinault Allottees Association has transferred its landmark case files and its organizational records to Lewis & Clark College for research. Academic performance is taken into account by the committee reviewing applicants.
The Development & Alumni Office is located in room 301 of Legal Research Center on the Law Campus.
MSC: 51
voice 503-768-6641
The Development & Alumni Office
Lewis & Clark Law School
10101 S. Terwilliger Boulevard MSC 51
Portland OR 97219