Established by Associate Dean and Professor Peter Nycum, this grant is awarded each year to the editor in chief of the Animal Law Review.
Professor and Associate Dean Peter Nycum (1941-2015) served as Boley Law Library Director for 33 years from 1978 to 2011. Under the directorship of Professor Nycum, the law library collection grew from 120,000 volumes in 1978 to over 500,000 volume equivalents in 2011. Professor Nycum had a history of forward-thinking, especially in the area of library technologies, and oversaw the digitization of the library catalog. Additionally, under his direction, the Boley Law Library was among the first law school libraries in the country to offer both Westlaw and Lexis to its law students.
During his tenure, Professor Nycum oversaw several remodels and reconfigurations of the Boley Library, culminating in the complete remodel of Boley and the opening of Wood Hall in 2002. He served on the Building Committee for Boley/Wood Hall and was responsible for much of the planning and oversight of the project.
Professor Nycum was responsible for several gifts to the law school that benefit future law students and law professors. He was an early and keen supporter of the Animal Law program from its inception at Lewis & Clark and made two ongoing endowed gifts that recognize student accomplishment in this area.
The Development & Alumni Office is located in room 301 of Legal Research Center on the Law Campus.
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The Development & Alumni Office
Lewis & Clark Law School
10101 S. Terwilliger Boulevard MSC 51
Portland OR 97219