Funded by the Wyss Foundation, a private, charitable foundation dedicated to land conservation in the Intermountain West, the Wyss Scholars Program seeks to identify and support a new generation of leaders focused on western land conservation issues.
The selected Lewis & Clark Scholars will receive financial support during their 2L summer, 3L year and post-graduation. Applications are available to second-year law students currently enrolled at and planning to graduate from Lewis & Clark Law School who are committed to careers as conservationists of western land with a federal, state or tribal land management agency or a nonprofit conservation group working in the defined region. Two Wyss Scholars will be selected from Lewis & Clark Law School on the basis of their leadership potential and academic strength and their commitment to furthering land conservation in the Intermountain West. For more information, please view the Wyss Scholars application.
The Development & Alumni Office is located in room 301 of Legal Research Center on the Law Campus.
MSC: 51
voice 503-768-6641
The Development & Alumni Office
Lewis & Clark Law School
10101 S. Terwilliger Boulevard MSC 51
Portland OR 97219