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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Diversity, equity, inclusion, and cultural competency are critical to fulfilling our mission as a law school and shaping the legal profession. 

As a professional school preparing the next generation of lawyers, we believe that our promise to support diversity, equity, and inclusion in the legal profession is both an academic and professional duty. Read the College’s resolution affirming the inherent educational benefits of diversity for the college environment.

Increasing the diversity of the legal profession and developing the cultural competency of our students is part of the Law School’s commitment to promoting equal access to justice and training the best professionals in all fields of legal practice. We invite current students, staff, faculty, and prospective students to learn about the diversity of experience and background on our campus and to access relevant resources, events and policies.

Student Organizations

Lewis & Clark Law School supports a large number of active student organizations. A number of these organizations, known as affinity groups, focus on the professional goals and needs of specific communities, both on and off campus. These groups are open to all students, and many focus on promoting the values of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging within the legal profession. 

APALSA - Asian/Pacific American Law Student AssociationBLSA - Black Law Student AssociationCLS - Christian Legal Society

DALSA - Disability Allied Law Student AssociationJLS - Jewish Legal SocietyLLS - Latinx Law Society

Legally FatMLSA - Minority Law Student AssociationNALSA - Native American Law Student Association

OAILSA - Oregon Arab Iranian Law Student AssociationOUTLAWSALSA - South Asian Law Student Association

WLC - Women’s Law CaucusWICL - Women in Criminal Law

Connecting to the Profession

Through partnerships, events, sponsorships, and programming, Lewis & Clark Law School connects students with opportunities to engage with attorneys and judges from a diverse range of backgrounds, as well as diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives within the legal profession. 

Oregon State Bar Diversity & Inclusion Department

The Oregon State Bar Diversity & Inclusion Department offers financial support, networking opportunities, employment assistance, and mentorship opportunities to students at Oregon’s law schools. Lewis & Clark is a proud sponsor of the Opportunities for Law in Oregon (OLIO) program, which connects law students across all three of Oregon’s law schools. To learn more about their programming, visit their website.

Oregon State Bar Affinity Organizations

Many of Oregon’s affinity bar associations welcome the involvement of law students. To connect with these organizations, see below.

Northwest Indian Bar Association (NIBA)

Oregon Asian Pacific American Bar Association (OAPABA)

Oregon Chinese Lawyers Association (OCLA)

Oregon Chapter of the National Bar Association (OC-NBA)

Oregon Filipino American Lawyers Association (OFALA)

The LGBT Bar Association of Oregon (OGALLA)

Oregon Hispanic Bar Association (OHBA)

Oregon Minority Lawyers Association (OMLA)

Oregon Women Lawyers (OWLS)

South Asian Bar Association Oregon Chapter (SABA Oregon)


State & National Resources  

We’ve collected some useful links to help connect Lewis & Clark students, faculty, and staff with resources on and off campus. (Please note: this list is under construction.)


Though our biannual Opt-In educational series, student organizations, and organized speakers, Lewis & Clark offers a range of events designed to create a more inclusive legal profession. Explore a few of our past and upcoming events.


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Events

Carol Anderson
January 29

POSTPONED: Carol Anderson, Author of “White Rage”, Presents Martin Luther King Jr Lecture

This event has been postponed due to unforeseen circumstances and will be rescheduled. More details to follow. 

January 30

LAW: Antiracist Book Club

Please join Ananya Raghavan, the SBA VP of DEIB, and Alexandra Cook, the Director of Equity, Inclusion, and Academic Resources for an Antiracist student book club this spring semester. The goal of this book club is to continue building on the discussions regarding race in the legal field students have had during law school through the DEI and anti-bias sessions, classes, and more.

The book club will be reading Open Season by Ben Crump, and the first 15 people to sign up will receive a free copy of the book. Any number of students can join. The book club will meet in January, February, and March to discuss the book. The first meeting will feature a guest speaker to provide context for the subject matter, intention set for the book club, and more.

RSVP here.




BIPOC Legal Mentorship & Community Program

The BIPOC legal mentorship and community program was created to provide support, networking opportunities, and community to BIPOC-identified students at Lewis & Clark Law School.


Indigenous Land Acknowledgement

Lewis & Clark College purposefully reflects on the history of the land it occupies. Prior to the newcomers arriving in this area, the indigenous land of what would later be called Multnomah County was home to many tribal people. We honor the indigenous people on whose traditional and ancestral homelands we stand: the Multnomah, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Tumwater, and Watalala bands of the Chinook; the Tualatin Kalapuya; and many other indigenous nations of the Columbia River.

It is important to acknowledge the ancestors of this place and recognize that we are here because of the sacrifices forced upon them. In remembering these communities, we honor their legacy, their lives, and their descendants.


Visiting our Campus:

If you are visiting our campus, please reference our Law School Access Map and Gender-Inclusive Bathroom Map.

Institutional Equity and Inclusion Office

Our Institutional Office of Equity and Inclusion supports Lewis & Clark Law School, as well as the College of Arts & Sciences and the Graduate School of Education and Counseling.