Student Experience

Alumni Profiles


NCVLI can also host externships to give law students an even more in-depth experience in Victim Law.  For externship criteria see:

Interested students may contact Professor Garvin.


While only second and third years can enroll in the CVLC, 1Ls and students not enrolled can still participate in the work of NCVLI. NCVLI has a variety of volunteer opportunities available throughout the year ranging from legal work, to event organizing, to assistance with office-related tasks. Click here for information on volunteering with NCVLI.

These volunteer hours can count toward the Pro Bono Honors Program.

Student Group - CVRA

The Crime Victims’ Rights Alliance (CVRA) is a Lewis & Clark Law Student Group dedicated to raising awareness and educating future lawyers about the issues related to crime victims’ advocacy. This is yet another way to be involved in Victim Law. More information is on their page.