Budget Committee (External)

Student Representatives Stephanie Keys Garcia and Jessica Bowman. The budget committee reviews the administration’s budget proposal and submits a proposed budget to the law school faculty for its approval, after which it is submitted to the Board of Trustees. There are intensive meetings in the fall semester at which the committee determines what programs will be supported at what level, whether the number of faculty will be expanded, what should be the tuition, how much should be expended on scholarships, how much should be expended on faculty research, what size class the admissions committee is to attempt to recruit, and all other aspects of revenue and expenditure that make up the law school budget. Programs that are supported by outside grants (examples are the Small Business Legal Clinic, Animal law Clinic, Pacific Environmental Advocacy Center, and others) are reviewed to the extent that the law school makes in-kind or actual revenue contributions to the program. In normal years, the work of the committee is concluded in the fall semester but may extend into the Spring.