April 03, 2014

Green Energy Institute Fellowship Opportunity

Lewis & Clark’s Environmental & Natural Resources Law Program is now accepting applications from Lewis & Clark JD students for one to two LLM-GEI Energy Fellow positions to begin in the fall of 2014. The fellowships provide a tuition-free LLM degree offered pursuant to Lewis & Clark’s joint JD/LLM degree program.



The law school’s Environmental & Natural Resources Law Program is now accepting applications from Lewis & Clark JD students for one to two LLM-GEI Energy Fellow positions to begin in the fall of 2014. The fellowships provide a tuition-free LLM degree offered pursuant to Lewis & Clark’s joint JD/LLM degree program.  (Other fees, such as health insurance, registration fees, and books are not included.) The student will serve as an Energy Fellow for the law school’s Green Energy Institute (GEI) and will work on various projects for GEI while pursuing the LLM degree.

Candidates must be successfully admitted to the LLM phase of the joint degree program, a program that allows Lewis & Clark students the opportunity to receive both a JD and LLM degree by enrolling in additional credits from the environmental curriculum after completing their JD degree.  Normally students pursuing the joint degree would begin the first semester of the two-semester LLM seminar in their final semester as a JD and would complete the “LLM phase” of the program in one semester following completion of their JD However, Energy Fellows will spread their LLM credits over two semesters in order to have time to work on GEI projects and will take the LLM seminar in the fall and spring semesters as a LLM  Energy Fellows will be able to apply up to 12 credits of environmental coursework taken as a JD towards the LLM degree, except for Administrative Law and Environmental Law.  As a LLM, the Fellows will take an additional 14 credits (2 for the LLM seminar and 12 additional environmental credits).  The 14 credits earned in the LLM phase and the 12 credits earned as a JD will total the 26 credits needed for the LLM degree.

The GEI’s mission is to develop and advocate for policy reforms that promote a swift and widespread adoption of green energy.  The GEI aims to promote a transition to a 100% renewable power grid by focusing on reforms to regional, state and local energy policy.  More information about GEI can be found at go.lclark.edu/law/gei

Fellows will be expected to do the following:

  1.  Research possible projects for the GEI to pursue
  2. Work closely with the law school’s development team to research possible funding sources
  3. Draft grant proposals for review
  4. Work with faculty and staff to produce research reports and papers during the year
  5. For 2014-2015, assisting in implementation of a funded solar project at the law school

Applicants must be planning to graduate with their JD degree from Lewis & Clark in May of 2014.  They will need to complete the LLM application materials and, in their cover statement, focus on why they are interested in serving as the Energy Fellow and what experiences and expertise they would bring to the position. Applications are due April 21, but later applications may be accepted if the positions are not filled. LLM applications are available by contacting Linda D’Agostino-Long at lindad@lclark.edu or on the Web at:


For questions, please contact Professor Melissa Powers at powers@lclark.edu or Associate Dean Janice Weis at jweis@lclark.edu