Conferences and Lectures
Lewis & Clark Law School advances understanding in environmental and natural resources law through its annual conferences, lectures and colloquium series. There are numerous opportunities throughout the year for legal scholars to advance their work, and students and the legal community to gain cutting-edge knowledge in this important and ever-changing legal field.
Environmental Law Conferences
In addition to more informal talks and workshops throughout the year, Lewis & Clark’s Environmental and Natural Resources Law Program hosts a national environmental law conference for the legal community each year, which students may attend at low or no cost. This is a great opportunity for students to network with experts in the field. Some examples of our conferences:
Fall Symposium 2011: 21st Century Water Law (2011)
The Migratory Bird Treaty Act: Reshaping a Powerful Conservation Tool? (2011)
The Clean Air Act at a Crossroads: Turning 40, Confronting Climate Change (2010)
Greening the Grid: Building a Legal Framework for Carbon Neutrality (2009)
ABA Northwest Water Law Symposium (2009)
Ocean Energy Symposium (2007)
Law, Science and Environment Forum (2007)
Western Instream Flows: 50 Years of Progress and Setbacks (2006)
The Rule of Capture Conference (Capture and Its Consequences) (2005)
The Endangered Species Act Turns 30 (2003)
For more information about our upcoming conferences, contact Lewis & Clark’s Oregon Law Institute.
Distinguished Environmental Law Lecture
For more than two decades, Lewis & Clark’s Natural Resources Law Institute has hosted an annual Distinguished Environmental Law Visitor. The Visitor is a renowned environmental scholar invited to visit Lewis & Clark for a few days in the fall to share his or her expertise with our students and the legal community. Distinguished Visitor lectures are free and open to the public.
Animal Law Conferences
Lewis & Clark hosts the longest-running national animal law conference in the country. The annual Animal Law Conference draws attendees from all over the country to learn about animal law, meet leaders in the field, and find out how to be an effective advocate for animals.
Environmental Law Colloquia
Lewis & Clark’s Natural Resources Law Institute and various student groups present noontime colloquia throughout the year for the law school community. These colloquia bring experienced practitioners, activists, filmmakers and government officials to campus to discuss a wide variety of cutting-edge topics. For a sampling of the many events offered in the past year, visit our podcast page.
Each academic year at Lewis & Clark Law brings abundant opportunities for students and practicing attorneys to become informed about virtually every aspect of environmental, natural resources, and animal law.
Environmental, Natural Resources, and Energy Law is located in Wood Hall on the Law Campus.
MSC: 51
voice 503-768-6649
Environmental, Natural Resources, and Energy Law
Lewis & Clark Law School
10101 S. Terwilliger Boulevard MSC 51
Portland OR 97219