Legal Practica
Legal practica are an excellent way to gain valuable real-world legal experience while attending law school. Students in a practicum earn academic credit in exchange for work at a local placement and attendance in a weekly class. The practica all involve pre-arranged, carefully selected placements that optimize student learning and experience. Students are supervised by the attorneys at the placement and all of the placements are overseen by adjunct professors who coordinate the placements and teach the weekly classes, and who are themselves deeply immersed in environmental practice in Portland.
The environmental law program currently offers the following legal practica:
Environmental & Natural Resources: Students can choose from an array of pre-arranged placements in the environmental and natural resources law fields, including placements with federal and state environmental agencies, private firms, and non-governmental organizations all within the Portland metro area.
Natural Resources Litigation/Western Legal Resources Center (WRLC): Through this practicum, students work for the Western Legal Resources Center, a Portland based nonprofit organization that represents private individuals and businesses in a variety of natural resources matters.
Environmental, Natural Resources, and Energy Law is located in Wood Hall on the Law Campus.
MSC: 51
voice 503-768-6784
Environmental, Natural Resources, and Energy Law
Lewis & Clark Law School
10101 S. Terwilliger Boulevard MSC 51
Portland OR 97219