Online Hazardous Waste Law

Taught by Professor Craig Johnston
(3 credits) Law 524-OL

This course will cover both the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (“CERCLA”) and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (“RCRA” ). About two thirds of the class sessions will be devoted to CERCLA, and one third to RCRA.

This class will be evaluated based on class participation and a final exam.  Students will be expected to view the class videos and participate in the discussion boards in the time frames allotted.


Notes for LC JDs, MSLs, and residential LLMs:

Lewis & Clark JDs, MSLs, and residential LLMs are permitted to take some courses online within the limits of LC’s distance learning policy. Those students should consult the distance learning policy prior to signing up for distance learning courses.

Students who are on campus are asked to take the in-person version of the class when both an in-person and online version of the same class are offered in the same semester, but may petition the Associate Dean of Students, Libby Davis, to take the online version if they have a compelling reason for doing so:

JD students at other law schools may be able to take online courses if space permits and permitted by their home school. Contact Associate Dean of the Environmental Law Program, Janice Weis, at