Environmental Student Groups
Informed, engaged students are the hallmark of Lewis & Clark’s program. Students are actively engaged in virtually every aspect of the law school, including representation on curriculum, faculty and budget committees. In addition, a large proportion of students are active in student-founded and run environmental and natural resources groups, including:
Coalition Advocating Transportation Sensibilities (CATS), which successfully advocated for a comprehensive shuttle service for law students in neighborhoods surrounding the law school, to reduce carbon emissions from students driving to school. CATS members have worked with the Bicycle Transportation Alliance to draft bike-friendly legislation, and even engaged in litigation in attempts to prevent imprudent campus parking space development. CATS has also instituted numerous programs, including a towel program for bikers and runners, a community orange bike program, and a community bike repair kit.
Environmental Law Caucus, one of the oldest environmental law societies in the country, sponsors events throughout the year designed to remind law students of why they came to Lewis & Clark, with outings into the great outdoors, a vibrant colloquium series, Earth Day celebrations and pub nights and other gatherings throughout the school year.
Food & Agricultural Law Society (FALS) (formerly Food & Wine Law Society) provides an outlet for students to gain experience and understanding of current legal issues in food law and policy. To achieve these goals, FALS aspires to provide students with connections in the professional Food Law field, instigate thoughtful discussions, panels, and events surrounding relevant topics in food and agriculture law, provide a means for students to engage with and volunteer in the local community, and act as a resource for students and community members interested in learning more about relevant concerns in the field.
Northwest Environmental Defense Center, an independent nonprofit organization providing legal support to individuals and grassroots organizations with environmental concerns, provides valuable hands-on experience for students seeking to enhance their education in environmental law. Students can participate in four broad areas of emphasis: water, air and toxics, wetlands, and forests and public lands. Current projects include monitoring National Forest timber sales, reviewing storm-water and pollution discharge permit compliance, and watch-dogging governmental agencies.
Public Interest Law Project, which raises funds for summer internship stipends for students working in public interest organizations which otherwise could not afford their help. PILP’s primary goals are two-fold: (1) providing summer stipends for students working in public interest law; and (2) establishing a loan repayment program for graduates choosing to pursue in careers in the public interest profession.
Student Advocates for Business and Environmental Responsibility (SABER), whose mission is to work with land and business owners to accomplish environmental goals. SABER combines business and environmental interests and uses the expertise of students and professionals in these areas to accomplish goals that are both economically achievable and environmentally sustainable. SABER has sponsored a number of conferences and continuing legal education seminars on business-related topics.
Students for Eliminating Environmental Discrimination (SEED) is a group dedicated to bringing environmental justice issues to the forefront and working with affinity groups and other student organizations to collaborate on events and programming.
Students for International Environmental Law, whose mission is to promote education and collaboration on issues of international environmental law within the community at the local, national, and global levels. SIEL will accomplish these goals by: sharing developments and promoting discussion; hosting international law focused events; coordinating projects both internally and with other groups; facilitating networking opportunities; and sharing information on careers in international environmental law.
You can also view the entire Student Organization Guide for further information.
Environmental, Natural Resources, and Energy Law is located in Wood Hall on the Law Campus.
MSC: 51
email elaw@lclark.edu
voice 503-768-6784
Environmental, Natural Resources, and Energy Law
Lewis & Clark Law School
10101 S. Terwilliger Boulevard MSC 51
Portland OR 97219