Meet Our Faculty and Staff

The faculty members who teach in our environmental law program are distinctive in four ways:

  • First, while they include leading scholars in environmental, natural resources, and energy law, most do not limit themselves to these fields, but bring interest and involvement in related fields of law to their teaching as well.
  • Second, they seek to integrate issues of pollution control and resource allocation in their teaching.
  • Third, they bring to this task perspectives shaped by their wide experience.
  • Finally, they are all approachable human beings who have lives and interests beyond the law that they are happy to share with students.

For more information about Lewis & Clark Law School faculty, please visit our faculty directory.

In addition to full-time faculty and staff, the law school draws between ten and twenty adjunct faculty members per year from the region’s leading practitioners in environmental, natural resources, and energy law. The seminars they teach reflect their special expertise and practical experience.


Professor Lisa Benjamin

Lisa Benjamin

Jeffrey Bain Faculty Scholar and Associate Professor of Law

Michael Blumm

Jeffrey Bain Faculty Scholar and Professor of Law

Thomas Buchele

Clinical Professor of Law, Earthrise Law Center

Pamela Frasch

Professor of Law and the Brooks McCormick Jr. Scholar of Animal Law and Policy

William Funk

Lewis & Clark Distinguished Professor of Law Emeritus
Craig Johnston

Craig Johnston

Professor of Law

Erica Lyman

Clinical Professor of Law, Global Law Alliance for Animals and the Environment

Michele Okoh

Assistant Professor of Law

Melissa Powers

Jeffrey Bain Faculty Scholar and Professor of Law; Director, Green Energy Institute

Rajesh K. Reddy

Assistant Professor of Law and Animal Law Program Director
Dan Rohlf 2023

Daniel Rohlf

Professor of Law and Of Counsel, Earthrise Law Center
Karen Russell

Karen Russell

Adjunct Legal Faculty

Chris Wold

Professor of Law


Janice Weis

Janice Weis

Associate Dean and Director, Environmental, Natural Resources, & Energy Law program

Tess Jacobsen

Assistant Director, Environmental, Natural Resources, & Energy Law program

Delia Weidman

Program Coordinator, Environmental, Natural Resources, & Energy Law