Environmental Law Curriculum

We provide one of the most extensive year-round environmental, natural resources, and energy law curriculum in the United States. This wide array of classes gives our students flexibility in choosing their courses and the potential for careful focus in areas of special interest.  Below is a list of courses we offer each year or every other year. These classes are available to JD, LLM and MSL students (except as noted). Each summer we also offer several special intensive environmental courses

Please also check the current course schedule, and the summer course schedule, for additional courses that may not be listed below. For Lewis & Clark Law students looking for curriculum advice, please refer to our curriculum guide or contact the Associate Dean or Associate Director, or environmental law faculty.








Core Courses:

Other Courses:

 *occasional offering

Practical Skills Offerings


Legal Practica (part-time work with a local placement):

Law Review:

Moot Court:


Environmental Summer School

Each summer we offer environmental classes.  Please check our summer page for current course list.

If you wish to change your student type (online to on-campus or on-campus to online) please contact the Assistant Director directly at elaw@lclark.edu.